We’re here to help you navigate the payer landscape

Healthcare Consulting

Anton Health,
your value add.

Navigating the payer landscape can be complicated; we understand it because we’re in it. Consider us your Managed Care GPS. As your trusted partner, our Network, experience, and wide array of services are your value add. Together, we can find solutions to healthcare’s most complex challenges.

Market Access Specialist

Capabilities and Expertise

Expert advisory meetings

Our dedicated Network is available for half, full, and multi-day engagements. We’ve spent time getting to know our advisor’s areas of expertise so that they can help you reach your specific goals.

Market research

Understand your customer and your competition. Our market research will uncover everything from contracting strategies to competitive intelligence.


Keep your finger on the pulse of the industry, right from your pocket. Our proprietary technology, RapidApp™, offers on-demand, real-time market intelligence so you never miss an opportunity.

Market access training

When you partner with Anton Health, you get special access to hands-on training with us and our Network of advisors.  Live and virtual training options are available.

Video conference hosting

You plan the big presentation, we will flawlessly execute the details. As your virtual host, and supported by best-in-class technology, we’ll make sure all the top advisors are on your screen.

Brand promotion

Gain exposure to thousands of managed care industry professionals via the Anton Rx Report.  Our platform allows you share breaking news, case studies, and other relevant brand information so you always stay top-of-mind.

Managed care masterclass

Learn the intricacies of the managed care landscape from our Network of managed care executives. These influential payer decision-makers will create bespoke engagement programs to teach your medical, marketing, and scientific teams how to successfully engage with payers; why not learn from those who will test your knowledge while in the field?

Conference presence

Payer and speaker engagement planning support, content development, and meeting arrangements

We believe in bringing dedicated professionals together to find solutions to healthcare's most complex challenges.

plan of action

Get Prepared

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One step ahead

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make connections

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achieve your goals

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we're part of Your team.
All the way through.

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