Update on Lumakras Limited Distribution Partners


Get yer Lumakras!
Lumakras here!

90+% of FDA specialty approvals launched through limited distribution in 2011….. and that trend continues in 2021. As frequent readers know, we very often have to say that the limited distribution partners, be they specialty pharmacies and/or specialty distributors, have not been disclosed by the manufacturer. That was the case in last week’s report on the FDA approval of Lumakras for Alzheimer’s where we were only able to confirm one SP in the program as of the time we sent the report.

Given the significant buzz about this new product we were delighted to receive, and now share, a chart listing all LD Specialty Pharmacies and Specialty Distributors that will be handling this new product. (See Below) We hope that more manufacturers similarly follow Amgen’s lead in publishing such a list.

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