Has Biosimilar Fever Arrived?

The answer to whether biosimilar fever has arrived is ….. ‘almost’….. if one believes the comments from CIGNA in the article below. 

CIGNA is bullish on biosimilars and is willing to put its money behind its prognostications of realizing billions of dollars in savings. 

  • “Under the new Shared Savings Program, members will be offered a one-time $500 debit card for healthcare services or medications if they make the decision to switch to a biosimilar.”

To get the bonus, members on Remicade therapy would need to switch to either Avsola or Inflectra, biosims approved in April 2016 and December 2019 respectively. (Of note, two other approved infliximab biosimilars, Renflexis and Ixifi, were not included in the bonus program.)

CIGNA goes on to say that they are looking closely at promoting biosimilar use of other approved and commercially available biosimilars. The potential for huge savings ramps up significantly in 2023 when already approved biosims for Humira and Enbrel are finally released for marketing.


Cigna to offer $500 incentive for members who switch to a biosimilar drug

Cigna is launching a new program that aims to encourage eligible members to switch to biosimilar drugs. 

Under the new Shared Savings Program, members will be offered a one-time $500 debit card for healthcare services or medications if they………

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