Are Health Plans Warming Up to Value-Based Contracting?

We’ve written about Value-Based Contracting (VBC) numerous times. 

The logic of VBC is self-evident. 

However, the feasibility and implementation of VBC is a totally different matter….. it is simply not easy. 

Great ideas often pop up but fade away because they are too hard to manage. 

VBC may soon be the exception to the rule.

VBC requires a team effort. As we know, forming a team in most organizations can be a nightmare and healthcare is a poster child for poorly formed team efforts.  None the less, VBC has not withered and is striving to blossom in rocky soil.

The article below is some proof of the prospects for VBC. Key members in VBC are health plan providers who have been skeptical of the entanglements that VBC portends. As you are likely familiar, health plans have a long-standing national association, AHIP (America’s Health Insurance Plans), and, based on their comments, the organization seems to be warming up to VBC. 

There is already proof of concept that VBC works for health plans.  The prospect that manufacturers will be accountable (usually financially) is a lever that clearly can work in health plans’ favor. 


Providers are Key to Success of Value-Based Specialty Programs | AHIP 2024

CLICK HERE to read the full article


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