
URAC Releases 5-Year Specialty Pharmacy Industry Report Card

If you work in specialty pharmacy it is a safe bet that you are familiar with pharmacy accreditation. If you are familiar with accreditation you understand that accreditation is a comprehensive approach to measure specialty pharmacy performance against specific standards. And, if you are that familiar with accreditation, you almost assuredly are familiar with URAC, one of the leading independent accrediting organizations in the US.

URAC recently released a report that summarizes performance among its numerous participating specialty pharmacies with a five year lookback. The report focuses on key metrics that are valuable for specialty pharmacies to gauge their own performance against competing specialty pharmacies in the marketplace. Payers and even patients are increasingly attuned to such performance metrics when seeking to do business with an organization that has the health, safety, and financial fortunes in their hands.

Some of the leading metrics cited in the new report include;

  • Quality monitoring enhancement
  • Fostering industry standards
  • Improvement in call center performance
  • Dispensing accuracy enhancements
  • Challenges in distribution accuracy
  • Turnaround time trends
  • ….. and more.

The report, therefore, should be mandatory reading for every specialty pharmacy.

CLICK HERE to access the URAC Five-Year Specialty Pharmacy Report: Making a Difference With Measurement


URAC Releases Specialty Pharmacy Report

  • Over the five-year period, URAC-accredited pharmacies responded to patient calls within 30 seconds 75% of the time, improving to 86% by 2023.

CLICK HERE to read the article

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